PLAYERS: 2-4 | PLAYTIME: 15 min – 45 min | AGES: 6-Adult
Listen up soldier. You are about to embark on a perilous mission – a full-scale paramilitary operation being conducted in a theater of political warfare with the objective being to take whatever action is necessary to assure victory and become POTUS – President of the United States.During each campaign you will be engaged in all-out Political Warfare against a formidable cadre of merciless hostiles. Your objective during each campaign is to destroy the enemy’s character, reputation and political standing, capture 270 or more Electoral College votes through primary & secondary objectives, and declare victory in WAR for the White House.
The object of the game is to WIN 2 CAMPAIGNS. There are 3 ways to win a campaign: Capture 5 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES for 270 ELECTORAL VOTES. Capture 5 SECONDARY OBJECTIVES for 269 ELECTORAL VOTES + 1 PRIMARY OBJECTIVE to exceed 270 ELECTORAL VOTES. Fight a WAR OF ATTRITION until all but one player runs out of cards and drops out of the game. PLAYING THE GAME Shuffle and deal out all cards. Players do not look at their cards but keep them in a stack FACE DOWN on the table. During each round, players take turns drawing and playing their top card. Cards are placed FACE UP on the table. When a player draws a PRIMARY or SECONDARY OBJECTIVE, the player continues to turn over cards until an ORDNANCE card (a numbered card) is drawn. The player with the highest card wins and captures all cards in play. Cards that are captured except PRIMARY or SECONDARY OBJECTIVES, are placed FACE DOWN on the bottom of the winning player’s deck. Only the winning card has any effect in a WAR. Players drawing FORTUNES OF WAR must PLACE THEIR TOP 3 CARDS FACE DOWN on the table and surrender them to the winner of the round. If a player drops out of a 3 or 4 player game, any OBJECTIVES they have will be awarded to the winner of the next round. OBJECTIVES that are drawn remain FACE UP on the table. OBJECTIVES that are FACE UP can be captured by Admageddon, Super-PAC, Carpet Bombing, Political Jujitsu and Boots On The Ground. |
WAR breaks out when there is a TIE between cards of EQUAL VALUE.EXAMPLES:
Super-PAC (11) vs. Super-PAC (11) -OR- Carpet Bombing (10) vs. Mouth to Mouth Combat (double value of next card) + War on Women (5) = (10)
During a WAR, players continue to turn over cards until the TIE is broken. The player with the highest card wins the WAR and captures all cards in play for that round.
In Battle Mode, players break up into groups and conduct separate campaigns. Winner’s from each group battle it out until there are two finalists left. Finalists go head-to-head to determine a winner in Battle Mode.
Want to kick things up a notch? Then sound off on the issues and offend every unlike minded person in the room. Launch a salvo of slanderous attacks that will reduce your foe to a quivering mass of spineless jelly. Conduct a blistering war of words that will confound friends and foes alike. Remember, this isn’t a popularity contest. Its political warfare and you are on the front lines.
WAR breaks out when there is a TIE between cards of EQUAL VALUE.EXAMPLES:
Super-PAC (11) vs. Super-PAC (11) -OR- Carpet Bombing (10) vs. Mouth to Mouth Combat (double value of next card) + War on Women (5) = (10)
During a WAR, players continue to turn over cards until the TIE is broken. The player with the highest card wins the WAR and captures all cards in play for that round.
In Battle Mode, players break up into groups and conduct separate campaigns. Winner’s from each group battle it out until there are two finalists left. Finalists go head-to-head to determine a winner in Battle Mode.
Want to kick things up a notch? Then sound off on the issues and offend every unlike minded person in the room. Launch a salvo of slanderous attacks that will reduce your foe to a quivering mass of spineless jelly. Conduct a blistering war of words that will confound friends and foes alike. Remember, this isn’t a popularity contest. Its political warfare and you are on the front lines.